Watch the livestream from the morning, with welcomes, introductions and network updates from Lewis Hou & Lauren Pyott, along with short presentations from the ethics working group, public health & social care working group & co-priority survey working group.

Watch the first community spotlight ‘Supporting Wellbeing on the Isles: From the North Isles of Orkney to Gigha’ with Louise McQuaid from the North Isles Wellbeing Project (Stronsay Development Trust); and Maggie Wilkieson & Louise Senior from the ‘Our Gigha & Me’ project, which were both funded by Ideas Fund.

Watch the parallel community spotlight ‘Exploring the Intersections Between Wellbeing and Climate Action’ with Mollie Saunders from the Trees for Life Climate Change Community Research Project; and Brodie Sim & Leslie Mabon from the Tiree Development Trust Climate Change Community Research Project, funded by the Highlands & Islands Climate Change Community Grants programme.

Watch the community spotlight ‘Perspectives on Arts & Wellbeing with Carers in Moray & People Living with Dementia Around the Western Isles, with Nicola Kennell & Deborah Hart from the Art & Nature Connections Project (Green Tree Arts); and Ron Coleman & Karen Taylor from Deepness Dementia, both of which were funded by the Ideas Fund.

Watch the final community spotlight on ‘Youth-led Research: Moving from Practice to Policy’ with Una Murray, Emma Coutts and Rhiannon Burns from the OPEN Space Project (OPEN) in Shetland (funded by the Ideas Fund); and Mollie McGoran and Hamish Nott who are both MSYPS at the Scottish Youth Parliament.

About the event

Join us for a celebration of community-led research across the Highlands & Islands on Monday 10 June in Inverness

The Community Knowledge Matters Gathering will be a chance to:

  • bring together peers including communities in the Highlands & Islands, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers who passionate about community-led research, to connect and share practice; 

  • find out and shape the activities across the network, including participatory ethics process and a community-led rural mental wellbeing co-priority survey; 

  • develop a collective voice and advocacy to shape policy and systems to make community-led research more equitable and sustainable around mental wellbeing and wider areas. 

The event will be held in Inverness at WASPS Creative Academy (see map here) in the daytime of Monday 10 June followed by a sharing cèilidh in the evening for more informal networking, hearing from different groups and a chance to dance the day out. 

This Gathering is funded by The Ideas Fund, British Science Association and Wellcome.

Programme overview

Programme Outline

Monday 10th June

9.30am - Registration and Refreshments

10.30am - Welcome, Updates from the Network and Introductions

12pm - Spotlights of Community-led Research from across the Highlands and Islands, including parallel sessions on youth-led research, nature and wellbeing projects from the Isle of Gigha and Stronsay, culture, arts and wellbeing and intersections with climate action. Two of these sessions will also be live-streamed. See more about the talks below.

1.35pm - Lunch

2.30pm - Interactive Small Table Discussions and network building, panel discussions and reflections

6pm - End of First Part of the Gathering

7.30pm - 11pm: Sharing Cèilidh starting with food and creative sharing.

We will be live-streaming selected elements of the first day for those who cannot join in-person.


If you’d like to register your attendance at the event, please fill out the short form below. All are welcome. If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the event, please contact the event organisers here.  We are especially keen for grassroots individuals with diverse lived experiences, along with community based organisations in the Highlands and Islands to join us, share their experiences and shape the network. Our full travel bursaries have been allocated. However, if you have any last minute requests to join us, please do get in touch.

Community-led Research Spotlights Talks programme

Community Spotlights talks: 12pm

1A: Supporting wellbeing on the Isles: From the North Isles of Orkney to Gigha Live-streamed 

Louise McQuaid Independent, Previously with Stronsay Development Trust , North Isles Wellbeing Project

Maggie Wilkieson and Louise Senior  Our Gigha and Me: Find the Furbochs

1B: Exploring the intersections between wellbeing and climate action

Mollie Saunders Trees for Life 

Brodie Sim, Leslie Mabon (Joining digitally) Tiree Community Development Trust 

second Community Spotlight talks: 12.50pm

2A: Perspectives on Arts and Wellbeing with Carers in Moray & People Living With Dementia around the Western Isles Live-streamed  

Nicola Kennell, Deborah Hart Green Tree Arts, Art and Nature Connections

Ron and Karen Coleman Deepness Dementia,And a Dementia Festival was born 

2B Youth-led Research: Moving from practice to policy

Emma Coutts, Rhiannon Burns, Shannon Boston, Una Murray  OPEN (Shetland)

Hamish Nott, Mollie McGoran (tbc), Rosy Burgess MSYP, Scottish Youth Parliament 

More information

About the Venue

All of the programmed activities will take place at Wasps Creative Academy Inverness (see map) which is a fully accessible building. Please note any additional accessibility needs when you sign up or you can get in touch with the event organisers if you have any questions.

Getting to and from Inverness

You may already be familiar with getting to and from Inverness, but in case it’s useful, here are the main options:

  • Train: there are rail connections from several parts of Scotland and some parts of the Highland mainland. Inverness is busy at this time of year and so we recommend booking your travel as soon as possible to avoid excessive train fares. The venue is a 10 minute walk from the train station (see map).

  • Bus: There are regular buses to and from Inverness from most other parts of the Highland mainland. The bus station is next to the train station and it is a similar walking distance from the venue (see map).

  • Plane: Inverness Airport is a short train or bus ride from the airport, where many islands fly to. You can see Inverness Airport Train timetables and more information here


If you have booked a place through our open registration (ie. you are not receiving a community bursary) then you will need to book your own accommodation if you are planning on staying overnight. Inverness gets very busy at this time of year and so we recommend booking this as soon as possible. There are a number of different options available across the city, including hotels, hostels and guest houses. You can find a list of these here

about the community knowledge matters network

Community Knowledge Matters is a new network bringing together people interested in community-led research shaping practice & policy change in mental health and wellbeing in the Highlands & Islands and beyond. 

The network is building collective voice and capacity through a programme of activities – including network events, collation of resources and funded training opportunities – working together to support more community knowledge represented at a systemic level.

Anyone is welcome to join, including:

  • Grassroots communities and organisations in the Highlands and Islands who are interested in being more involved in research to support community action including around mental health and wellbeing.

  • Researchers who are keen to support more equitable processes and partnerships that centre communities through an ethics of care.

  • Practitioners and decision-makers interested in being more driven by community-led research and working together to support a more equitable and diverse system evidence-base.

  • Stakeholders from across Scotland and beyond interested in learning from this network and sharing your own experiences.

Network members can get involved in the following ways:

  • Join our monthly (online) Community of Practices, for the chance to to make connections and develop peer support and learning opportunities, hear examples of community-led research across the Highlands & Islands, reflect on sector wide issues individually and collectively, help shape the network and have open discussions about topics that come up on the day. Network members are automatically invited to all community of practices.

  • Drop in to one of our lunchtime Conversation Stations for a chance to hear first-hand case studies of community-led research happening across the region. Network members will also receive an automatic invitation to all 'Conversation Station’ sessions.

  • Connect with others on our Community Lab forum, a virtual community noticeboard and space for network members to interact independently between meetings. We post regular opportunities, including relevant training, and funding / employment opportunities and events of interest. Network members are also very welcome to post their own updates or signpost to events or opportunities of their own.

  • Receive our monthly newsletter with network updates and opportunities, which you can also see on our Community

If you are not already a member of the Community Knowledge Matters network and would like to sign up, please complete the short form below or get in touch to find out more.