Community Knowledge Matters “Community of Practice”

Next 2025 online CoPs

  • Our next CoP will be on Tuesday 25 February (2.00 - 3.30pm.). Join our network mailing list to receive an invitation!

  • Upcoming CoP will be on Wednesday 26 March (2.00 - 3.30pm.).

Guided by our emphasis on inclusivity and access, here is a rough summary of the format to help people understand what to expect at the Community of Practices (CoPs). 

Aims of the Community of Practice

  • Networking opportunities for all CKM network members

  • Peer support and shared learning around key themes of community-led research

  • Collective reflections & activities (such as the Living Glossary exercise) 

  • Opportunities to help shape the network programme

  • Open discussions about any topics that come up on the day

  • ‘Community noticeboard’ for the chance to share or promote your own opportunities

These Community of Practice (CoP) sessions are in contrast to the ‘Conversation Station’ sessions which offer the chance for a community group based in the Highlands & Islands to share their own experiences of community-led research in an informal setting amongst peers.

What to expect

A typical Community of Practice session is likely to follow the following format:

Welcome and Space Setting (5 minutes)

We let people into the zoom chat, do a short introduction and set the space, emphasising that this is an inclusive session, reaffirming the network values, with the aim to share honest reflections for learning between peers.  

Introductions and community check in (5 minutes) 

We then do an anonymous ‘group check-in’ using an online tool (mentimeter), asking people what different ‘hats’ they might be coming in with – community member, person with lived experience, researcher, practitioner etc – and what communities they belong to. This is designed so that people joining can get a sense of who else is in the virtual room, and to remind us that we all contain multiple ways of being in the world. All questions are optional! 

Break-Out Introductions with Peers (5-10 minutes) 

We then invite the group to go into small randomly generated break-out groups of around 3 or 4 people, discussing the same theme – briefly sharing ideas, projects, challenges or what you would like to get out of this community of practice. We ask everyone to share the time together respectfully and make sure that all who want to speak have a chance to do so. If you prefer to just listen, or not go into a break-out room, that is absolutely fine too! This is not recorded.

Community Noticeboard (10 minutes, followed by time for brief questions) 

We sometimes invite a peer member of the network to briefly share a current or recent project exploring a theme or topic around community-led research. This is a much briefer opportunity than the ‘Conversation Stations’ and are best suited to those who would like to get some quick feedback on a topic or share an opportunity / event. They may present using powerpoint or just speaking for around 5-10 minutes, and we’ll make sure to leave enough time for questions or discussions (and reserve a specific break-out room for this topic at the end of the session). This part is often recorded (it is usually the only recorded part of the sessions) so you are welcome to turn your camera off at this point though the focus will be on the spotlight speaker. Questions and some discussion are welcomed at the end, either by putting your hand up or messaging in the zoom chat.

Group Activity (15-20 minutes)

Sometimes we will have a group activity to collectively reflect on certain aspects of community-led research, or to help shape the network’s activities. For example, in the past we have created “living glossaries” on padlet exploring what the words “community”, “rural” and “participation” can mean to different people in different contexts. Another time we used the method of story stem to imagine what the future of community-led research could look like. The group activity can take different forms, and might sometimes relate to something someone has shared.

Open Discussions (break-out rooms) (20 minutes)

Toward the end of the CoP we invite the group to suggest 3-4 topics for breakout rooms, whether that is a question or challenge you would like to unpack with peers, a topic that came up in earlier conversations that you would like to further explore, or something else! Everyone will be able to join the breakout discussion they are interested in.

Plenary Discussion (10 minutes)

When we return as a group after the breakout discussions, we often ask one person per breakout to volunteer to feed back about their conversation, though there is no obligation to. This is another opportunity to share reflections, ideas, and signpost to relevant projects/resources.

Close (5 minutes)

At the end of the Community of Practice we will share upcoming dates for the next Community of Practice, Conversation Station, or events. You are welcome to signpost to your own events/resources either in the zoom chat or verbally.

We also share a quick closing survey / poll for feedback to inform future CoPs (this is anonymous and optional, just asking 3 questions).


After the Community of Practice we usually reach out to network members with a short summary of the CoP and breakout discussions.

If you would find it useful to chat to us more about the Community of Practice before joining the session (especially if you have any access needs), if you have any questions, or would just like to find out more about the network — please get in touch and we can arrange a quick chat.